CHRIKJELL'S INTENZO (b. 27.08.2006)
ow. М. Мaslova and S. Dmitrova


Juhan came to us from Swedish kennel Chrikjell's and he lives with the family of experienced poodle owners. We were waiting for his since he was in the mommy's belly. He is a joyful poodle boy, looking around him with much of interest and optimism. As Juhan came to us we have extended out genetuc pool for brown colour. Thanks a lot to Christina and Kjell Sohlmann of Chrikjell's kennel for our nice kid!

Juhan's gallery

Newborn baby
Just arrived to Moscow...(2 mths)
Grew-up a bit... and became a bit serious... (3,5 mths)
7 months







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