decemb. 2007- |
show in Dzerzhinsk town.
* Moroshka's Geisha (ow.Yu.Yablonskaya/S.Dmitrova) became
BOB Baby!
* Creative Power (ow. O.Urlina)
- got het last CAC for Russian Championship (she also will
be connected to our kennel).
* Shens-Bizhu Janeira Danielly - Ray's
wife and Nika's mother-
became BOB! We congratulate the girls with wins!

decemb. 2007- |
a regional show in Kaluga town our two boys participated
with following results:
* Moroshka's All That Jazz (ow. S.Zhukova) - CAC, BOB, BIG-2!
* Moroshka's Boogiw Woogie Man (ow.N.S.Slivova) - JunCAC,
BOB Junior! Aтв he got all the needed certificates for the
Junior Russian Champion title! CONGRATULATIONS!

nov. 2007- |
autumn Poodle Club Show. Moroshka's Busy Bee - CW, BOS.
On an All-breed Show she won CAC and BOS and Moroshka's
All That Jazz (ow.S.Zhukova) also got CAC.
An issue of magazine AD appeared and on the cover we see
our Nika - Pina Colada for Moroshka! She took part in shootings
for that magazine.

nov. 2007- |
In Nizhny
Novgorod city our girl Gelia (Moroshka's Geisha, ow. Yu.Yablonskaya/
S.Dmitrova) has her debut on a show. Gelia received excellent
description and became BOB Baby!
Also went excellent daughter of our Ray - Palmira De Life.
She became Best Junior and 2nd best Standard Poodle.
BOB was wife of Ray and
mother of Nika - Shans-Bizhu
Janeira Danielli (ow. Ju. Yablonskaya)! Congratulation to
Julia Yablonskaya who prepared and showed 3 standard poodles
at one show and went for participation to BIS finals!!! |
nov. 2007- |
show. Our kennel has the following reluts:
* Moroshka's Get Smart (ow. D. Goriachkina) - BOB Baby abd
BIS Baby Specialty!!! Congratulations with excellent debut,
*Moroshka's All That Jazz (ow. S. Zhukova) - C.Ch.C., Best
Male and BOB. Also 2nd Standards Poodle of the Show! Well
done, Jazz and Sonia!!!
* Pina Colada for Moroshka
(ow. S.Dmitrova) - exc, 2nd Junior!
* Chrikjell's Intenzo
(ow. M.Maslova/S.Dmitrova) - JunCAC on the all-breed and
Jun C.Ch.C. on the Specialty. Also on the Specialty Juhan
was 3rd best Standard Poodle.

november 2007- |
Very Irresistible (ow. M.Siatisheva/S.Dmitrova) was shown
in her city of Samara and went BOB Puppy and BIS-3 Puppy!!!
We congratulate the girls and we are proud of them!

october 2007- |
got some excellent news from far Izrael. Our snow-white
Booch (Moroshka's Va Banque, ow. M.Krush-Bram) did well
on the show on the 13th of October (expert Avi Marshak).
He got the mark "very perspective" and won BOB
Puppy!!! Ecxellent debut!!! We congratulate our boy and
all the Krush-Bram family!!!

october 2007- |
On the
show of Club "Nord" our Kapa (Moroshka's A Capella,
ow. S.Dmitrova/E.Massalskaya) did well, she won CAC and Best
of Breed! Congratulations! |
october 2007- |
Nika (Pina Colada for Moroshka,
ow.S.Dmitrova) took part in the shootings for the glamourous
"Interrier & Design" magazine. Please find
our star in the December issue!

oct. 2007- |
Show in Nizhny Novgorod city. Or results:
First day (judge - V. Shiyan):
* Dandy-Lion's Boy
On The Rocks - CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed!! We thank
all our competitors, it was very hounourable to win this
* Moroshka's Busy Bee
Second day (judge - K. Jarvinnen):
* Dandy-Lion's Boy
On The Rocks - CAC and fullfilling the "dad's"
words: "No bests, quickly go home", he jumped
all the way during comparison and became 3rd best male.
* Moroshka's Busy Bee

sept. 2007- |
Show in Moscow "Russia 2007". Our results:
* Dandy-Lion's Boy
On The Rocks - ecx, 3rd in the Champion's class.
* Moroshka's All That Jazz
- exc 2 in the Intermediate class. That was his first show
in the grown-up class. Congratulations!
* Moroshka's Busy Bee
- exc1, CW, JunCAC, Junior BOB! CONGRATULATIONS!!! |
sept. 2007- |
Lialia (Moroshka's Very Irresistible, ow. M.Siatisheva/S.Dmitrova)
in her Samara city took part in two shows - All-Russian
and Specialty. On the Specialty Show she became BOB Puppy
and won Best-In-Show Puppy! Congratulations! And thank you
Galina Savina for such an appreciation of our baby girl!!!
On an All-Russia All-Breed show Lialia again became BOB
Puppy and also Res. Best-In Show Puppy! Not bad for a standard
poodle puppy! Congratulations, Marina and Lialia! Way to

sept. 2007- |
September 16th was the "First Ball" of our baby
girl Lialia (Moroshka's Very Irresistible, ow. M.Siatisheva/S.Dmitrova).
She became BOB Baby and made an excellent impression to all
the poodlefans in Samara! Good start, Marina & Lialia!
june 2007 - |
Kaluga town our black boy Moroshka's Boogie Woogie Man (ow.
N.S. Slivova), made his debut in Juniors class. His trophees
are: JunCAC, BOB Junior, BOB and finally Best-in-Group!!!
Bucho becomes Group Winner from the very start! CONGRATULATIONS
to his owners and groomer Galina!
june 2007 - |
In Obninsk
town Jazz (Moroshka's All That Jazz) took part in double show
(all-breed and specialty). And here are the results:
* Regional All-breed Show (judge
- I.Begma) - JunCAC, BOB Junior!
* Speciality Show (judge B.Petersburs)
- JunC.Ch.C., BOB Junior! |
may 2007 - |
are proud to announce that we have newborn puppies in our
kennel (litter G)! Proud parents are: Fenia
(Finnesse Queen of Olympus) and Kompis
(Dandy-Lion's Boy On The Rocks). We have 10 kids: 2
brown males, 4 black males, 4 black females. All black puppies
carry brown gene. Seroius inquiries are welcome!

may 2007 - |
again we have nice news!
* Today at All-Russia Dog Show
in Obninsk town Jazz (Moroshka's All That Jazz, ow. S.Zhukova)
gained his first JunCAC, bacame BOB and was BIG!
* Also from the Kaliningrad
city - Moroshka's Black Jack Special gained JunCAC, became
BOB and was Junior Res.BIS!!! Thanks to his owner and Olga
Chernova for support! CONGRATULATIONS!

may 2007 - |
National Russian Poodle Club Specialty Show. Our poodles
were very serious about participating in this show and succeeded
in it! Our results:
Chrikjell's Intenzo
(ow. М. Маslova/S.Dmitrova) - BOB Puppy!!
* Pina
Colada for Moroshka (ow. S.Dmitrova) - BOB Puppy and
BIS-3 Puppy! Congratulations to Nika, also to her daddy
- Pups and mom - Niura and breeder J. Yablonskaya from the
Nizhny Novgogorod!
* Dandy-Lion's
Boy On The Rocks (ow. S.Dmitrova) - C.Ch.C., and in
the strongest competition becomes NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPION!!!
* And our biggest success -
Moroshka's Busy Bee
(ow. S.Dmitrova /Ch.Weihua) - BOB Junior, Young National
Club Champion and wins JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW!!!!
Congratulations to all the participants, you are all the

apr. 2007 - |
pictures of our chocolate boy
Juhan (Chrikjell's Intenzo). He turned 7 months old.

mar. 2007 - |
are the first photos of out newborn
puppies - see the Puppies section.

mar. 2007 - |
news from Kaliningrad city! Our black boy Moroshka's Black
Jack Special attended all-Russia show in his city. He gained
the title of BOB Puppy and went to the Best in Show. There
inspite his being not experienced in show, he became ResBIS
Puppy among more than 20 puppies of all breeds!!! Hurra!!!!
We are very proud of our son and want to thank Marik's owner
and Olga Chernova (kennel "iz Yantarnoy Strany")
for the efforts and this nice win!!!!! |
mar. 2007 - |
wonderful Tsutsa gave
birth to 4 nice babies - 2 boys - black and white and 2 girls
- black and white. Details see in the "Puppies"
section. |
febr. 2007 - |
biggest show in Russia - "Eurasia show". Our kennel
took part both days:
* Moroshka's All That Jazz
(ow. S. Zhukova) - exc2 in Junior class both days
* Moroshka's Busy Bee (ow. S. Dmitrova & Ch. Weihua) -
Very Promising, BOB Puppy both days, Niusha showed herself
very good and even with the loudest musing at the Best in
Show she was excellently showing herself and representing
our breed.
* Dandy-Lion's Boy On The Rocks (ow. S. Dmitrova) - exc4,
Kompis showed only at first day.
* Revolutsyja iz Volzhskoy Serenady (ow. S. Dmitrova &
М. Rybina) - was showing only at first day and was ex1, JunCAC
& BOS! 
dec. 2006 - |
(new pics) on the page of our brown boy Juhan
(Chrikjell's Intenzo).

dec. 2006 - |
news! Arta club Speciality. The judge was President of national
Poodle Club Julia Schuko. Our results
* Moroshka's Busy Bee,
ow. S.Dmitrova and Ch. Weihua, became BOB Baby and won Best-in-Show
Baby again!
* Moroshka's All That Jazz, ow. S. Zhukova became BOB Puppy
and was Res.BIS Puppy! Good for a debut!
* Revolutsyja iz
Volzhskoy Serenady, ow. S. Dmitrova and M. Rybina won
C. Ch. C. certificate and became BOB also 3rd Standard poodle
on the show.
* Dandy-Lion's Boy On
The Rocks, ow. S. Dmitrova, was CW, got C. Ch. C. certificate.
Only 1 left to become a National Club Champion!

nov. 2006 - |
Speciality show of National Poodle Club. We participated
with the same team.
* Moroshka's Busy Bee, ow. S.Dmitrova and Ch. Weihua, became
BOB Baby and won Best-in-Show Baby! Good girl Niusha, after
week of intensive training showed herself in such a way
that gained the following description:" Very perspective,
high quality, very good angulation in front and rear, taiset,
neck, very beautiful headpiece, years reach P1, beautiful
small dark eye, moves beautifully, VERY GOOD IN SHOWING
HERSELF. Mark - very perspective, best baby." Remarkable
* Dandy-Lion's Boy On The Rocks, ow. S. Dmitrova, ex, CW,
C. Ch. C. Kompis also has a progress in showing and growing
his hair.
* Revolutsyja iz Volzhskoy Serenady, ow. S. Dmitrova and
M. Rybina, our "fire-dog", got her second Jun
C. Ch. C. (by this gained all the certificates for the title
of Junior Champion of Russia), became Best Junior and BOB!

nov. 2006 - |
Speciality show
"Delta-Pal". We have following results:
* Dandy-Lion's Boy
On The Rocks, ow.S.Dmitrova - ex, CW, C.Ch.C., by this
have closed the title of Russian Champion! Congratulations
to Kompis!
* Revolutsyja iz
Volzhskoy Serenady, ow. M.Rybina and S. Dmitrova - Ex,
CW, BJ, JunC.Ch.C., BOB. She did not stay for finals.
*And our young "crazy frog" Niusha - Moroshka's
Busy Bee, ow. Ch. Weihua and S. Dmitrova, was Very Perspective
Baby 2 as she did not want to show, but only to play! |
nov. 2006 - |
We have a new
member in our kennel. Our new boy is of a brown colour.
He was born in kennel Chrikjell's of Sweden. We congratulate
his new family with the new chocolate family member. And
thans to Christina and Kjell Sohlmann for our nice boy.

nov. 2006 - |
got his 5th CAC on an All-Russia Show "Derzhava" |
oct. 2006 - |
On the "Puppies"
page there are pics of newborn puppies sired by our Poops-Ray
(Emerei In The Ray Of Light). Proud mother - Shans Bizhu
Janeira Danielli (ow.Ju. Yablonskaya, Nizhny Novgorod). If
you want to become an owner of white miracle, you are mostly
welcome! Call us! |
sept. 2006 - |
International Show. As usual, lot (for the present time
being) of poodles presented. This time the expert (J Scheppers)
was extremely strict, especially in males classes, inspite
that we showed excellently. Our results:
* Moroshka's Arabica (ow. J. Plastinins and S. Dmitrov)-
very perspective, BOB Puppy
* Dandy-Lion's Boy On
The Rocks (ow. S.Dmitrova)- exc, Res.CAC
* Revolution iz Volzhskoy
Serenady (ow. M. Rybina & S. Dmitrova)- exc, JCAC,
BOB Junior
Photos are kindly presented by N.A. Maslennikova - site

sept. 2006 - |
Show of KSS
"Odintsovo". Our baby Moroshka's A Capella had
her debut. Our girl showed very good, as an experienced
show-poodle under precise handling of Irina Riazanova. The
result is BOB Baby. And
Кompis won his 4th
CAC and became BOB, he passed more than half way to the
Russian Ch title.. Also mommy of our "B" litter
Fenia went out for
a show and inspite of her "Modern" cut got her
first CAC, and at the same time made good friends with the
young handler Dasha.

september 2006 - |
again we were on the show. This time "Fauna" club.
Karina continues
to study how to behave in the ring and by the way becomes
the Best Puppy of Breed. Nice win! And Kompis
gets his third CAC, becomes RKF Champion and BOS! Congratulations!
plays in the yard after his successful show |
lady Karina - now almost a grown-up! |
august 2006 - |
Now you
can have a look at the litter
"B" pedigree at the Puppies
page. |
july 2006 - |
Our Tsutsa
(Emerei Isn't She Lovely) continues her show marathon. Her
pups are only 3 months old, and she gets CACIB and BOB at
the International Show in Kursk city! And that is in her brand
new Continental clip! Congratulations! |
july 2006 - |
a show of club MGS ROSTO in Moscow we entered with Karina
(Revolutsiya iz Volzhskoy Serenady, ow M.Rybina and
S. Dmitrova), who finally understood why she is on the rings
with handler and Kompis
(Dandy-Lion's Boy On The Rocks, ow. S. Dmitrova), who
gained his second CAC and became BOB.
july 2006 - |
All our
"A.." puppies have found their new owners. We wish
to our kiddies long, interesting life, full of love and we
are ready to help their moms and dads in anything we can,
be they experienced poodle-owners or just new in our BEST
breed in the world - Standard Poodle!
And our babies from litter "B.."
are still looking for their solely moms and dads! |
july 2006 - |
We have
newborn again! Our Fenia
produced 7 charming black babies. 4 girls and 3 boys. In this
litter we implemented our idea to accumulate the bloodlines
of Torpaz kennel, descendants of which are very stylish and
win prestigeous shows around the Europe. This combination
is quite unique as Fenia came to us from Canada. Also it is
a big hope that these pups will help to establish the line
of brown standard poodles in Russia. |
june 2006 - |
Our Woodoo continues
to spend his free time with pleasure! He enjoyed the shooting
for the Russian radio calendar with beautiful ladies. The
photographer kindly passed these pictures to us. So, you
can see how glamorous dogs spend their summer time on the
yahts of Moscow-river!
may 2006 - |
reddy girl - Karina
- decided to try herself and her owner (Marina Rybina) in
the show ring of her first show in life. She became best
baby of the breed and even in the Baby Best in Show for
about 2 minutes seemed to be an experience show girl, but
then decided that it is enough for a small girl and hanged
on her owner. Anyway, that was a really good debut and we
congratulate Karina and Marina! Good job, girls!

may 2006 - |
visited regional show of the kennel club "Antey",
where he managed to get hid first CAC and BOB inspite the
fact that his cut was made by the owner for the first time!
Congratulations to all of us with this double debut! |
may 2006 - |
of litter Moroshka's A... appeared. Some of our pups
are still looking for new owners.
Our Woodoo went to
the grooming salon and after colouring and fantazy cut he
entertaines us and all our firends by his unusual apperance.
The result of this - he took part in the photo-shooting
for the dog's fancy magazine "Droug", but there
he was with some additional accessories...
april 2006 - |
participated in the TV show "Dialogs about Animals".
Together with Kompis
we gave an interview to Ivan Zatevakhin, the well known
reporter of the show.
april 2006 - |
We have
updated our Plans! |
april 2006 - |
puppies under our kennel prefix
are born! We proudly present the litter Moroshka's "A":
girls - 1 white (reserved) and 2 black; boys: 1 black and
1 white! |
february 2006 - |
On an
International Show in Estonia our Tsutsa
won the champions class and became BOS, taking Estonian CAC
and becoming Champion of Estonia and also taking CACIB. Good
job, Tsutsa and Irina! The win with such a competition is
a prize! |
10 february 2006 - |
We have
a new member of out kennel. Now we have our own Fire dog -
an apricot girl Revolutsyia
iz Volzhskoy Serenady (ow. S. Dmitrova and M. Rybina) |
10 january 2006 -
is ready. |
25 december 2005 -
show of ROSTO. Emerei Isn't
She Lovely (ow. I. Riazanova and S. Dmitrova) became Best
of Breed. |
16 december 2005 -
Date of this
site birthday (Russian part at least). And on 28th of october
my kennel prefix "MOROSHKA'S" was confirmed by