We will always remember our beloved friends.
* Atos (medium brown poodle) 1988 - 1993
Tos'ka is my very first dog. A pup, brought from the pets bazaar... He had teahced me since I was 14 years old for 5 very
fast years. A brave dog, clever and very human. Thank you, Tos'ka for being in my life.
Unfortunately, Atos' pictures I cannot find at the moment. I will place them here as soon as I find.
* Primavera iz Volshebnogo Sna (Primerose) (standard black poodle) 1993 - 2005 (f Emberiza Snow Storm, м Felisite Printsessa Grioz)
Lialia. She is the beginning of my kinological experience at all. We were together on out first show, first trip to Karelia with my then
yet future husband was together also, first mating, first pups, first serious approach to breeding... But the most important - she was a
truly aristocrat, noble, she had her point of view on everything and was loving madly her human family. Someone would think she went
after she turned 13, but for us it is anyway too early...
Lialechka, we will always remember and love you...